Partners: The Wrong Corpse

Published by Torrid Books
EBook formats ISBN: 978-1-60313-501-6
Trade paperback ISBN: 978-1-60313-502-3
Rating: Erotic Romance-- Explicit

Twelve years ago Frankie Barker and Johanna Obrien became partners, then lovers, on the Philadelphia Police Force. After two years, the women were tired of city living. They quit the force and moved to Charlestown, Pennsylvania, where they built a log home and hung out their shingle as private investigators.

Frankie and Johanna take a case they feel will be a cinch to solve, before embarking on a much--needed vacation. But the case turns out to be much more than they bargained for!

Graham McHenry hires Frankie and Johanna to follow his beautiful, much younger wife Cassandra, whom he believes is having an affair. They find the information their client is seeking, but the next morning they learn the woman has been murdered. The time of death places Cassandra at a motel, at the same time they had been following her to her mansion. Now McHenry wants to know who killed his wife, and Frankie and Johanna are determined to find out who they were following!

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Frankie parked the car as far as she could off the shoulder of the road obscuring it from view by overgrown brush. She turned off the engine. "Now we wait."

Johanna patted Frankie's knee. "Let's make ourselves comfortable. This could be a long night." She settled back in her seat.

"I'm glad we got out of the office at a decent hour so you were able to cook that fantastic dinner. I love when you cook."

Frankie grabbed her hand, giving it a squeeze. "Don't forget it's your turn to cook tomorrow night. I'm thinking I may be in the mood for something hot and spicy, like Mexican."

"Then afterwards maybe we'll get a chance to go for that moonlight swim we've been aiming for all summer, before the nice weather disappears." She sighed deeply. "In a couple of weeks it's going to be too chilly to swim at night."

Frankie ran her tongue seductively over her lips. "I can't wait to see your naked body shimmering in the moonlight. Remember last summer, making love in the pool and on the deck?"

"Stop or we're going to end up in the backseat," Johanna warned.

"And that's a bad thing?" She cocked an eye.